Playing guitar on google.com

Google replaced its logo for a yet another interactive doodle to commemorate a great guitarist, songwriter and an inventor, Lester William Polsfuss. This time a digital Guitar that sounds good when you move your mouse across the strings, but wait.. why the hell i can’t hear the sound in Firefox 3.6.17, no com-on today we are not going to discuss issues. just listen to the melody.

google doodle screenshot

He is one those most influential artist in music industry to be archived by Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum in Ohio, United States.

Because of Les’s great contribution one of the world’s biggest brands in Music industry Gibson, named their electric guitar Gibson Les Paul.

To be honest i didn’t knew who was Les Paul (Lester William Polsfuss), thanks to google i know today. If you want to know more about Les Paul check out the website dedicated in his memory. www.lespaulonline.com (would open in New Window)

And yeah… if you got enough time… do take a look at google logo doodles, there is a whole history of it. www.google.com/logos (would open in New Window)

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By dawood /

Based in Lahore, Pakistan, UI/UX designer with a bit of love for wordpress / curiosity and Tekken :D. The posts reflect my own views and perspective.

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One" Comments

  1. Struggling at the moment learning to play guitar and found your webiste. Some really useful info here. Thanks.

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