Is It Time To Trash Google?
Hey, i just want to make my own new email address or comment or upload video on youtube, and you steer your browser towards google (damn), and as you fill in the details like user name password etc. and move ahead you are faced with a page, to verify your account again and this time your mobile phone no. … wtf…
Thats right, for me it’s time to trash Google and start looking for other alternatives (keeping my fingers crossed). It seems from now on if you want to signup, for any of the Google’s services, you need to give them your mobile phone no. According to Google its only for verification and they wont use it for marketing etc. But isn’t that what they say all the time, personally i don’t believe it at all, now that Google has entered in the mobile services as well.
We always heard about it and some feared, about google being privacy ticking bomb (Google also accepted of loosing data to hackers in 2010), not to mention all the big organizations love to get their hands on any information about us, so the best one can do is keep your online information scattered( its recommended by online privacy experts as well).
So its time to dump Google, and start digging the internet this time using yahoo or bing or baidu( start learning chinese )…:P
Well put, sir, well put. I’ll certial